Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My lovely country France ^^

The French Republic or France (French: République française or France) is a country located in Western Europe, which consists of a group of islands and territories overseas located in other continents. Metropolitan France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. Because of its form, France are known by the French, "Balsdasi." Is adjacent to the United Kingdom, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Monaco, Andorra, and Spain. Share of the French Republic within the limits of the Earth also abroad with Brazil, Suriname and the Netherlands Antilles.

France is one of the founding members of the European Union and it is the largest area of them. France is also a founding member of United Nations. It is one of the five permanent members of the Security Council of United Nations, which uses the power of veto, which is also an acknowledged nuclear powers.

The name of France is come from Vrinkea, a Germanic tribe that occupied the region after the fall of the empire Romanian, and specifically the region around Paris was the center of French royal demesne. The majority of population of French and embrace Christianity Catholicism.

The Loire is France's longest river

Notre Dame Paris France.

Strasbourg in France.

The Current Leader of France is Nicolas Sarkozy .

The Eiffel tower …

city of lovers ..

The name of the city is Verona, and it has two areas. The first area is rich and elegant and sublime. The second area is poor region, archaeological, historical and full of sculptures so it known as sculpture city.Both of the two regions are rich of tourist and has a very beautiful Scenes, but unfortunately Verona is not known to Arabs but Europeans and American in particular aficionados it and consider it as a source of love.

This is a general view of the classical areas of the city.


This is the balcony and from it the love started between them.

This is another picture.

Lamberti Tower (the tallest tower in Verona).

This is mafe's palace. It was built in1669 and it has 6 statues carved which are Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Apollo, Hercules and Minerva. The palace architecture is represent Baroque era in Verona.


Thursday, September 24, 2009

what is happiness

happiness is an important and beautiful subject , and a lot of people talking about how to obtain happiness.

What is happiness?
Happiness according to the best psychological definitions are complacent self-General Rules of Procedure, for example, if I heard one say I'm satisfied with my work it means he is happy in his work, and if I heard the other says he is satisfied with his family, he means he is happy with his family, and so on .. There is a difference go unnoticed by many people and this difference between happiness and joy. The Happiness is a state we enjoy it for short periods of time .. As happens when we see a baby smile, or when we get the final grades in a difficult test, or when breathing the first spring breezes. Happiness is not something that can be attachment to your hand, but it is like a water if you try to catch it. It will flows between your fingers. The joy is a positive feeling, warm, and durable. Joy is not just an act, but it is the way to life. Joy does not appear from our hearts because of a problem, do not flows from our fingers like water droplets, it is a strong entity dwells the heart, and bear in thought..

So be a person who looks at life pretty positive and happy reassuring sight. Life is full of opportunities and options and hope not consider it a black eye.